Vážení používatelia,
z licenčných dôvodov aktuálne nie je možné využívať službu Systém SAS. Pracujeme na riešení, za komplikácie sa ospravedlňujeme.
z licenčných dôvodov aktuálne nie je možné využívať službu Systém SAS. Pracujeme na riešení, za komplikácie sa ospravedlňujeme.
The page allows you to change the old password to the new password.
The password MAY NOT contain a portion of your full name or account that exceeds two consecutive characters and MUST contain:
- at least 8 characters
- at least one digit,
- at least one lower case letter (without accents and spaces),
- at least one capital letter (excluding accents and spaces),
- at least one of the special characters _.!@$*= ?.
If the password is forgotten, a message will be sent to the e-mail address you entered with a link to complete the password change (THE MESSAGE IS NOT SENT AT A STANDARD PASSWORD CHANGE). If you have not received a message with the link to complete the FORGOTTEN password change within a few minutes, please contact us by e-mail at: podpora.iss(at)cvtisr.sk or via the contact form.